Daily Archives: mai 12, 2013

Mitt lille Stand up innslag til promovideoen

Det var planen vi skulle gjøre en liten scene med Stand up i promofilmen for Comedy Box Club. Det viste seg at tiden ikke strakk til, men jeg hadde likevel skrevet et slikt, lite innslag, og legger det ut her. Det er på engelsk, siden videoen er på engelsk.

Jeg tar også med onelineren jeg hadde forberedt til avhørsscenen, som jeg ikke fikk være med i, siden jeg også spilte sjakk denne dagen: The sky is not the limit. The speed of light is the limit.

Og så var det innslaget. Det skulle vare i 3 – 5 minutter, og jeg så det for meg som en av komikerne i svart (Comedians in black) som skulle bevise at han også var morsom, at han også var komiker. Slik ble det:

Hello there. I am a serious comedian. It is my task to convince you all. And it’s a complicated task, since it’s not completely true. It’s partly true. It’s a part time job. But it’s a part time job which I take very seriously, in any language. And I will do my very best to prove it here tonight. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. That is, I have to do it. No one else could prove I’m a comic. That is a bit like me trying to prove that the guy sitting next to you is funny. Well, just look at him. It might be possible to prove he is funny. But I must prove I’m a comedian myself. Feels like the poodle trying to convince everyone he’s a wolf. There he goes, totally aware he’s a poodle, but he has to convince the world – well, just make it the world, no lesser would do – the poodle should prove to the world, that he is a wolf. By acting like one. Rrrooaa-ii… I’m a wolf, I’m a wolf. Wolf, wolf, wolf. Hope I don’t have to make a sound. I can’t make sounds. I have this tiny voice. I hate my voice. Can you imagine, being a wolf hating your voice? Sort of howling in secret? Whuu-hu…. Hope to pass by unnoticed. Whispering howls. I am very dangerous, I am very funny. Hope you believe me. Please do. WAOU!

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